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By Martin J. McNamara
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In this work the exegesis of each psalm is divided into three sections: (i) a brief Argumentum, (ii) an Explanatio dealing with the psalm in general, followed by (iii) the Commentarius proper. The third section goes only as far as Psalm 121 whereas the Argumenta and Explanationes continue to the end of the Psalter. The commentary itself has nothing to do with Bede and its association with the Argumenta and Explanationes, which originally circulated independently of it, is purely fortuitous. It is only these latter which interest us here.
Series III is one inspired by the Writings of St Jerome. Series IV is translated from the Greek; it is derived from the commentary of Eusebius of Caesarea. c below). The Cassiodorus series has been edited by Dom Salmon from two Milan Psalters and from the Psalter of Nonantola (Vat. lat. 84, tenth to eleventh centuries), which carry the Roman Psalter. ) Some Psalters have more than one series of psalm headings, for example, that of Nonantola has series I, III and VI. Here we treat only of those series of psalm headings which are of interest for the study of the Psalter in Ireland.
45-47 (fifteenth century); British Library, Harley 5280, fols. 21-24 (sixteenth century). ' 64. 9. Psalter Text and Psalter Study in the Early Irish Church 55 Edition: Kuno Meyer, Hibernica Minora, being a fragment of an OldIrish Treatise on the Psalter, with translation, notes and glossary, and an appendix containing extracts hitherto unpublished from 3,18 Rawlinson B.