Download Christ the Name of God. Thomas Aquinas on Naming Christ by HJM Schoot PDF

By HJM Schoot
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Additional info for Christ the Name of God. Thomas Aquinas on Naming Christ (Thomas Instituut Utrecht)
Sample text
208; I cannot but read this as stating there to be a parallelism between the mode of signification and the thing to be signified, which to my mind should also be the proper interpretation of this passage from Peter of Spain: Signijicationis alia est rei substantille et habet fieri per nomen substantivum, ut 'homo'; alia est rei adiective et habet fieri per nomen adiectivum vel per verbum, ut 'albus' vel 'currit'. , Tr. 2, p. 79/80; 78) Aquinas mentions neither Peter, nor William, nor his fellow~Dominican and probably feIlow~inhabitant of St.
In Aquinas' exposition this is part of the argument why he subscribes to Peter of Lombard, who says that this is a figurative and improper enunciation. Cf. chapter V; 70 SEMANTICS OF NAMING CHRIST CHAPTER TWO So the first function of the logic of reduplication is to distinguish fonnal and 71 Conclusion material reduplicative terms, and proper and improper reduplicative statements. Using this method one can prevent the wrong interpretation of biblical erlUociations. and one can prevent arguments from being fallacious llO .
Suppositio substantiva rei designatio vel signatio suppositio acceptio termini pro se sive pro re sua, vel pro aliquo supposito contento sub re sua vel pro aUquibus suppositis contentis sub re sua. 75 The first kind of suppositio he calls quaedam signijicatio specialis termini et non termini proprielas, some special signification of a term and not its property, whereas the second kind is the one to be investigated by the logician76 • What Sherwood caIls suppositio secundum habitum, Lambert calls signijicatio termini substantivi, and what Sherwood calls copulatio secundum habitum, Lambert calls signijicatio termini adiectivi.