Download Bolzano's Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction (History by S. Lapointe, Michael Beaney PDF

By S. Lapointe, Michael Beaney
The 1st ebook in English to supply a scientific survey of Bolzano’s philosophical good judgment and conception of data, it deals a reconstruction of Bolzano’s perspectives on a chain of key matters: the research of that means, generality, analyticity, logical end result, mathematical demonstration and data via advantage of which means.
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Com - licensed to Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-02 Decomposition 26 Bolzano’s Theoretical Philosophy – There are ideas such as [nothing] and [round square] which do not have objects. If (2) were true – the same holds for (1) – these ideas could not have even one constituent (1837, §63, 267). But these ideas, according to Bolzano, must obviously have at least one component. As Bolzano sees it, the same argument can be made for all ideas designated by syncatgoremata: ‘has’, ‘is’, ‘not’, ‘which has’, for instance.
This amounts to saying in agreement with what the method of division predicts that the superior concept subordinates the inferior one. On the other hand, from the standpoint of the content, the inferior concept or species “includes” the superior: the superior concept is a component of the inferior one and is therefore “less determined” than the latter (cf. Arnauld and Nicole 1993, 57). If the concept of a triangle is composed of the concept of a figure and of that of having three angles, these concepts must in turn be simpler than the concept they compose together, and so on for every concept found in the same conceptual chain.
For, by ‘this’, we merely understand the single modification which is actually appearing and none of the others which may take place at some other point no matter how very subjective they may be. It is no less certain that these ideas are all simple. For if they were composed of parts, then it would not be the next and immediate effect arising from the examination of the modification happening in our soul at this very moment; rather, the individual ideas that constitute these parts would be produced earlier and more immediately.