Download Back to 'Things in Themselves': A Phenomenological by Josef Seifert PDF

By Josef Seifert
In an enlightening discussion with Descartes, Kant, Husserl and Gadamer, Professor Seifert argues that the unique notion of phenomenology was once not anything except the primordial perception of philosophy itself, the root of philosophia perennis. His radical rethinking of the phenomenological process leads to a common, objectivist philosophy in direct continuity with Plato, Aristotle and Augustine.
In order to validate the classical declare to grasp independent being, the writer defends Husserl's methodological precept "Back to objects themselves" from empiricist and idealist critics, together with the later Husserl, and replies to the arguments of Kant which try and discredit the knowability of items in themselves.
Originally released in 1982, this ebook culminates in a phenomenological and demanding unfolding of the Augustinian cogito, as giving entry to immutable fact approximately useful essences and the true lifestyles of private being.
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A very similar notion of 'reduction' is used in Karol (Cardinal) Wojtyla's book, The Acting Person. 5 Reductionism in the sense criticized here implies the thesis that one thing is in reality 'nothing but' another thing. , when the datum in question defies its reduction to something else. Where one thing (X) truly is only apparently fundamentally different from another one (Y), the phenomenologist must be the first to point out this underlying identity and the concomitant reducibility of two data.
Delving into the various semantic or syntactic meanings of linguistic formations or into the role of a common root or ending in many words and word families often allows the attentive thinker to discern many things which he would not have noticed 35 Part I: 'Back to things themselves' without drawing on the wisdom embodied in language. Likewise, comparative linguistic analyses may be very helpful in this context. Take, for example, the study of the difference in meaning of three related Latin terms in the service of a philosophy of permission and in the service of the same type of phenomenological analysis which Husserl conducted in the Logical Investigations, and A.
This is not to deny that we may well speak here of a progress in knowledge on a certain plane. It is a progress of understanding things better on a technicaL pragmatic, or practical level, or in a 'denaturalizing' way of symbolization which does not lead to genuine scientific understanding (episteme) of the beings in question and of their exact relation to causes. , as knowledge of objective being and truth and as a certain knowledge which frees us from mere opinion open to error (d6xa). The new ideal of science, we could say, is precisely a science as d6xa (as mere opinion or even as constructs which explain things in a historically changing way in which the scientist abandons any truth-claim, as Thomas Kuhn and Kurt Hubner conceive of science).