Download Arabic Around the World by Faruk Abu Chacra PDF

By Faruk Abu Chacra
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Questions were open-ended, with space provided for comments. A coding frame was developed on the basis of an initial analysis of 70 questionnaires. Answers were read through, and categories were devised which captured the most frequent themes. Different members of the research team worked on the same corpus of teachers’ responses and periodically categories were checked in terms of reliability and validity. The remainder of the questionnaires were then read through, and all teachers’ answers were categorized in terms of the system developed earlier.
The answers we got from teachers could be divided into three main categories. They were clear that as groups became bigger, three factors were affected: CONNECTIONS BETWEEN CLASS SIZE AND WITHIN-CLASS GROUPING • • • 43 amount and quality of teacher input possible in each group the quality of the children’s work the children’s contribution and concentration. I shall look at each of these in turn. Amount and quality of teacher input possible in each group There were many comments about how larger groups adversely affected the nature of teachers’ input into groups.
The children were followed for three years: Reception (4–5 years), Y1 (5–6 years) and Y2 (6–7 years). 1. In the interests of anonymity, I shall not name the LEAs or the schools that took part in the study. I shall say, however, that although they involved more ‘shire’ than metropolitan authorities, they were a fairly representative sample, with rural and also inner city areas involved. The research design involved random selection of schools within the participating LEAs though of course schools were not compelled to take part, and we cannot rule out the possibility that those that did may have differed in some ways from those that did not.