Download Applications of Sonography in Head and Neck Pathology by Jean Noël Bruneton MD, Tito Livraghi MD (auth.), Professor PDF

By Jean Noël Bruneton MD, Tito Livraghi MD (auth.), Professor Jean Noël Bruneton MD (eds.)
Throughout the area, sonography is frequently the 1st and occasionally the one imaging modality for use after medical exam. this is often really actual for the cervical area. This booklet experiences the sonographic good points of the cervical constructions, together with the thyroid, parathyroids, salivary glands, lymph nodes, larynx and hypopharynx, and blood vessels. distinct morphological descriptions of various pathological techniques are supplied, by way of thorough dialogue of differential diagnostic difficulties. The position of the entire new technical modalities, together with high-definition grey scale, more suitable colour Doppler, and ultrasound distinction brokers, is totally thought of. The ultimate bankruptcy is dedicated to using cervical sonography in pediatrics.
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From focal subacute thyroiditis (because of the asso- 1995). The echotexture is homogeneous and discretely ciated pain), a hemorrhagic cyst, carcinoma, or lym- heterogeneous (BOGAZZI et al. 1999); small vascular structures are visible within the thyroid tissue as phoma, FNA is required for definitive diagnosis. Silent or painless thyroiditis and postpartum thy- small tubular structures (Fig. 45); unilateral involveroiditis are subacute forms of lymphocytic thyroid- ment is exceptional (DIMAI et al.
04. Re-evaluation at 6 or 8 months following medical treatment demonstrated normalization of flow velocities but not the hypervascularization; these authors concluded that flow-velocity data are more useful than morphological data. VERSAMIDIS et al. (2000) consider Doppler examination of the inferior thyroid artery the most effective means of detecting post-treatment recurrence. Fig. 46. PD study of a patient with Basedow's goiter: extensive hypervascularity Graves' disease may recur in two rarely associated histological forms (MOROSINI et al.
N. Bruneton et al. a Fig. 28. 1 % of cases. These last authors emphasized the limitations of sonography for accurate determination of the depth of spread, in particular towards the trachea and the esophagus. FRASOLDATI et al. (1999) advocate US-guided FNA for all laterocervical nodal masses, with both histological examination and thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement in the needle wash-out. This combination of cytology and Tg assays has a sensitivity of 92%, and may thus be a valuable technique for pretherapy workup and post-treatment follow-up in search of metastasis.