Download A Late Iron Age Fortress North of Jerusalem by Gabriel Barkay, Alexander Fantalkin, Oren Tal PDF

By Gabriel Barkay, Alexander Fantalkin, Oren Tal
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When Jody brought up the idea of dating vs. courting, I was not terribly concerned about the distinctions. However, I wanted to accommodate whatever felt more comfortable to him. What are Dating, Courting, and Friendship? 37 My life with Jody has been a series of swift changes. There were changes in my status, routine, self-knowledge and awareness. At times it would have been easier to run away than to deal with it, but I didn’t want to run away. In the span of one year (the time I spent dating Jody), I went from knowing nothing about autism, to noticing similarities between myself and Jody, to seeking and receiving a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, to speaking about autism in front of international audiences.
When Jody and I started dating, walking and talking about walking was an important part of our relationship. It put me at my ease, and enabled me to get to know him better. Many of our dates included going for a walk, and if I didn’t know what to talk about, I could talk about walking. I have since done some career guidance testing at Portland State University, and realized that most of my previous jobs accentuated 52 Autistics’ Guide to Dating my weaknesses, and did not touch on my special interests.
Sheri is a dance leader at Rehoboth, so she picked me up in time to get to church for dance class and review. During review I saw Jody for the first time. Well, I saw his feet at first. He has very elegant feet, and he dances well. Later, as I followed Sheri through the Oneg room (Oneg means “delight,” and that is where the pot luck is served after service) we saw Jody eating a salad with his fingers. Sheri introduced him and said that he had just gotten back from Europe. He gazed up at us. His eyes were big and pretty, and they didn’t blink.